Outcomes & Attributes

Common Degree Outcomes

A university education encompasses learning through courses and co-curricular experiences which allow our graduates to achieve Common Degree Outcomes. Our learning community promotes the achievement of six outcomes which become competencies our graduates share.

  • Articulate and apply the principles and values of freedom and free-enterprise.
  • Communicate effectively in speech and writing.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving proficiency.
  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge of the functional areas of business.
  • Demonstrate acumen applied to the global business environment.
  • Demonstrate effective leadership and interpersonal skills.

Attributes of our Graduates

At Northwood, we emphasize qualitative personal development. Through purposeful programming and course offerings we develop individuals who: can explain their personal values; appreciate the aesthetic, creative and spiritual elements of life; seek lifelong education; are effective self-evaluators and action-oriented. These attributes encompass our holistic approach to developing the future leaders of a global free-enterprise society.
